Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Letter From a Mother

This letter is from a mother who I worked with when living and teaching in Los Angeles. When I asked how she felt about music and her children being taught in that field, she wrote:

"Music lightens my heart and stirs my soul. Music can bring tears to my eyes and bring concepts to my understanding that a lecture could not do. Music can make me want to dance. Music can make work fun. Music can unite families and even peoples. Music can also make me feel sad and depressed and many other bad feelings, but I choose not to listen to music that elicits those feelings. Music can brighten my day, give me hope and make my heart sing.

"Music can unite families. Music can make working as a family fun. Music can help parents teach children what "The Spirit" feels like. Children are very impressionable, especially to the feelings music can illicit. You can use music to teach things, ABC's, names of presidents, etc. You can teach children about feelings using different kinds of music. I guess I could go on and on, but I will just say, music can teach many things. It can change the feeling in your home. Music is very powerful, for good or for bad."

I thank these mothers for their support and enthusiasm in rearing their children in an uplifting environment. They are truly the teachers and are the ones who make the difference in the world, even in the world of music. Thank you!